Frequent Questions
Frequently asked questions about orthopedic and trauma
Do I need a transfuse?
90% of the cases do not require it. If needed, we would know in advance and choose a safe hospital to do it with a…
Could I avoid the surgery for a herniated disc?
Sometimes physiotherapy is indicated at the beginning of the symptoms. You can think of a conservative treatment if it is not a severe lesson. If…
When will I be fully recovered from my spine surgery?
Recovery usually takes a couple of months. Depending on the surgery and your activities, you could start getting back to them.
How long will I be bedridden?
You won’t! The ideal scenario is that a day after, you can get out of bed and start walking with assistance.
Does the spine surgery require hospitalization?
The spine surgery has an approximate duration of 2 to 4 hours. Only one night of hospitalization is required.
Should I try visiting the chiropractor or doing alternative therapies instead of the surgery?
I would not recommend it. It is indispensable to consult a medical specialist in the musculoskeletal system to prevent the risk of irreversible damage.